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We are very excited to have all of you be a part of history. Never before had there been a car show at the Filipino Fiesta of Sacramento in its 20 years. With over 14000 annual attendees we are very excited.


Once you've completed the form and submitted payment, your spot is guaranteed.


So come out and represent your city.


• Tons of food booths, career fairs, games, health fairs, children's activities, financial consultants, and more.


•Due to the exclusivity of this event, spots are limited. Please don't wait to register, based on our early response it's going to fill up fast


• Trophies AND Prizes for many classes to be announced

35.00 donation gets you in. 

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Roll In Instructions

After you pre-register:

We would like to both congratulate and thank you for being accepted and for your participation in northern California’s largest charity car show, the Filipino Fiesta of Sacramento.


With the daily demands and lifestyles, we are thankful that you can find the time to come out, display your passion, and share your enthusiasm with other like-minded individuals.

Since you have already paid you have automatically been entered into all raffle contests. 

Our Rules:


1)      If you can't make it. Tell us now. People want your spot. We will remember you.

2)      Roll in is between 8:30 and 10 am. Please do not pull into the staging area until then as you will be turned around. I would recommend chilling at Starbucks in the Walmart parking lot across the street. You can eat and take your morning coffee shit. I know I’m not the only one.

3)      No burnouts. It's grass, come on.

4)      Cars need to remain OFF as much as possible. If we tell you more than once, you will be disqualified. No, you don't get your money back.

5)      No ins and outs. The show is from 10 to 5. There is plenty to do. Enjoy it all. Plan on staying. Preparing to leave during trophies is okay, just watch what everyone else is doing. Please let staff know if there is an issue and we will do our best to guide you out.

6)      No BBQing. We have plenty of food vendors.

7)      No refunds. Period. If you don’t win, it’s not our fault.

8)      Unless you are a vendor or have a special agreement with us, no selling.

9)      If you want to park with your friends, show up with them. Simple.

10)   Tents. Tents are allowed. It will be hot, and we aren’t cruel. Please wait till roll-in is Completed in your area before erecting your tent. The DJ’s will be making an announcement as well.

11)   Please enjoy and respect each other. The car community has been given a bad rep over the last few years from meets and sideshows because that’s what the news likes to talk about. We are hosting this show to give all the newcomers a taste of a positive vibe scene.


Here is a map of where you will be staging.

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